Thanks to @elilla 's comment and his/her/their tutorial, I also want to share my solution for running this game on Arch Linux (also Manjaro, I think), using @elilla's comment as a template. Thanks again.
Installing on Linux in 2025 (Arch Linux):
The provided package depends on external libraries, which makes things hard especially because they’re i386 (32-bit) not amd64 (64-bit) libraries.
You needed to do this:
[#0]Check what lib is missing for VA-11HALL-A's runner
After you download this game with itch desktop app or ite's website, the entrance file of this game is called 'runner' just in the root directory of the game.
If you try to execute it, it will normally report an error of "file not found", which is usually caused by :
You can simply check what 32-bit library (lib32) is missing on your system by running this: 'ldd ./runner'. Follow the steps below, I will show you how to install them.
[#1]Modify pacman.conf to let your pacman may install multilib (32-bit)
sudo vim /etc/pacman/pacman.conf
You can see the following lines in this file.
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Just delete the '#' mark of these 2 lines and save this file. It's better not to modify other lines if you don't know this.
[#2]Install the following lib32 packages with pacman: from 2017-11-16 - "Japanese localization now available! Please select your language option of choice when booting up the game." from 2018-02-09 - "Added cloud saves, Added overlay support, Added support for Simplified Chinese"
GOGdb entry appears to indicate there were no further updates, so this should be the state of the game as of the time of making this comment.
The cloud save and overlay support would be GOG Galaxy-specific so, unless there were more changes not mentioned in the changelog, you're losing extra language support by buying here. I wonder if there's going to be further development of the game, and if the itch version is abandoned then? Buyer beware in any case, I suppose.
This works but without sound, what’s missing is Pulseaudio support for i386:
sudo apt install libpulse0:i386
Note: for some reason the above install removed a lot of my standard (amd64) Pulseaudio and Gnome stuff. I just reinstalled everything it removed, and it kept both the i386 library and the normal one, with both audios working.
At this point the game at last seems to work, but with all these old dependencies I don’t know if it will last. Will report here later, but it might be safer to just make a chroot or virtual machine from 2017 to run the game in.
One more thing: You can't change the audio sink of the game on pulseaudio, which is bad for the streaming I wanted to do. This turns out to be unrelated to the problems above; it's due to the game have a locked setting on OpenAL, and it can be changed by adding the following to ~/.alsoftrc :
Hello! Apologies to necro this thread; but have you any advice on getting it to work on Debian Bullseye? I can no longer install libssl1.0.0 due to me not knowing how to install the multiarch-support package No worries if not and thank you very much for the instructions!
I am trying to get it to work on Bullseye as well. You should be able to install multiarch-support with the appropriate architecture with
sudo apt install multiarch-support:i386
From there you should be able to install libssl1.0.0. I still have not been able to get it to run. There may be possible issues with and gmresource.dll.
maybe my libraries aren't up to date or I need to enable some sources? It just returns the "unable to find package" error message
As far as I understand the functions of multiarch-support is actually in-built to bullseye now; but obviously the libssl1.0.0 package doesn't know that because it's ancient and has no way of telling that bullseye contains the same functionality
or maybe i'm totally wrong, i read it on the debian forums
concerning that it still won't run, may have to go back to buster, anyways good luck with getting it to work & thank you for the advice!
I think you are right about the multiarch-support functions being native in bullseye. I had the following additional source added to my /etc/apt/sources.list form earlier experiments, and I'm guessing this is where the package is located:
I think that contrib and non-free are not necessary to locate the package. This should be added to the end of the sources.list in addition to the bullseye sources.
Based on elilla's comment, it might be easily playable on a virtual machine. Hopefully, it runs on buster with minimal effort in the virtual environment. Would your computer handle a virtual machine?
Edit 1: I tried it in a virtual machine and it worked fine. My installation of bullseye was new and did not have wine, after installing it the game works under bullseye without virtualization.
Edit 2: The package can be obtained directly from Debian's repository and installed with
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Thanks to @elilla 's comment and his/her/their tutorial, I also want to share my solution for running this game on Arch Linux (also Manjaro, I think), using @elilla's comment as a template. Thanks again.
Installing on Linux in 2025 (Arch Linux):
The provided package depends on external libraries, which makes things hard especially because they’re i386 (32-bit) not amd64 (64-bit) libraries.
You needed to do this:
[#0]Check what lib is missing for VA-11HALL-A's runner
After you download this game with itch desktop app or ite's website, the entrance file of this game is called 'runner' just in the root directory of the game.
If you try to execute it, it will normally report an error of "file not found", which is usually caused by :
You can simply check what 32-bit library (lib32) is missing on your system by running this: 'ldd ./runner'. Follow the steps below, I will show you how to install them.
[#1]Modify pacman.conf to let your pacman may install multilib (32-bit)
sudo vim /etc/pacman/pacman.conf
You can see the following lines in this file.
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Just delete the '#' mark of these 2 lines and save this file. It's better not to modify other lines if you don't know this.
[#2]Install the following lib32 packages with pacman:
sudo pacman -Syu lib32-glibc lib32-gcc-libs lib32-zlib lib32-libxxf86vm lib32-mesa lib32-openal lib32-libxext lib32-libx11 lib32-libxrandr lib32-glu
[#3]Then there’s one library that runs a very old version (libssl 1.0.0).
We need to get it from yay since this package is no longer maintained by the official repo, it will not found if you try to install it with pacman:
yay -S lib32-openssl-1.0
Thanks to yay, Arch Linux users don't need to install it manually!
[#4]Finally, the sound
This works but without sound, what’s missing is Pulseaudio support for i386:
sudo pacman -S lib32-libpulse
Note: If some library is still missing, go back to [#0], and you can check and install them.
[Reference links]
How to install 32-bit lib on Arch Linux
[Some words]
If this helps you, I would be very happy to see there are still somebody who loves this game in 2025.
Besides, I love Alma :3
I love this game but I suck at making money `(*>﹏<*)′ I am afraid I won't make the rent
I found this game on steam, that was before I was here on
I was kicked out of the house...
Absolute fucking masterpiece
Show post...
Where get steam key? I dont have it on download page
Hello! Will this work on mac m1? i have it on steam and it doesn't work there because my computer doesn't run 32bit anymore.
No, it's 32-bit x86 and macOS 10.15+ doesn't run 32-bit apps anymore.
However, the Windows binary (also 32-bit) runs fine via CrossOver.
(Late reply but maybe someone finds it useful.)
I have this game on steam. Is there a way to redeem it on
Is this build of the game outdated? It says the download is for version, whereas on GOG it's
From the changelog thread on GOG's subforum for this game, it appears these were the changes since
GOGdb entry appears to indicate there were no further updates, so this should be the state of the game as of the time of making this comment.
The cloud save and overlay support would be GOG Galaxy-specific so, unless there were more changes not mentioned in the changelog, you're losing extra language support by buying here. I wonder if there's going to be further development of the game, and if the itch version is abandoned then? Buyer beware in any case, I suppose.
Installing on Linux in 2021 (Debian buster):
The provided package depends on external libraries, which makes things hard especially because they’re i386 (32-bit) not amd64 (64-bit) libraries.
I needed to do this:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update
sudo apt install zlib1g:i386 libxxf86vm1:i386 libgl1:i386 libopenal1:i386 libssl-dev:i386 libxrandr2:i386 libglu1-mesa:i386
Then there’s one library that runs a very old version (libssl 1.0.0) and we need to get it manually:
sudo dpkg -i libssl1.0.0_1.0.1t-1+deb8u12_i386.deb
This works but without sound, what’s missing is Pulseaudio support for i386:
sudo apt install libpulse0:i386
Note: for some reason the above install removed a lot of my standard (amd64) Pulseaudio and Gnome stuff. I just reinstalled everything it removed, and it kept both the i386 library and the normal one, with both audios working.
At this point the game at last seems to work, but with all these old dependencies I don’t know if it will last. Will report here later, but it might be safer to just make a chroot or virtual machine from 2017 to run the game in.
One more thing: You can't change the audio sink of the game on pulseaudio, which is bad for the streaming I wanted to do. This turns out to be unrelated to the problems above; it's due to the game have a locked setting on OpenAL, and it can be changed by adding the following to ~/.alsoftrc :
Update: everything working great
Hello! Apologies to necro this thread; but have you any advice on getting it to work on Debian Bullseye? I can no longer install libssl1.0.0 due to me not knowing how to install the multiarch-support package
No worries if not and thank you very much for the instructions!
I am trying to get it to work on Bullseye as well. You should be able to install multiarch-support with the appropriate architecture with
sudo apt install multiarch-support:i386
From there you should be able to install libssl1.0.0. I still have not been able to get it to run. There may be possible issues with and gmresource.dll.
maybe my libraries aren't up to date or I need to enable some sources? It just returns the "unable to find package" error message
As far as I understand the functions of multiarch-support is actually in-built to bullseye now; but obviously the libssl1.0.0 package doesn't know that because it's ancient and has no way of telling that bullseye contains the same functionality
or maybe i'm totally wrong, i read it on the debian forums
concerning that it still won't run, may have to go back to buster, anyways good luck with getting it to work & thank you for the advice!
I think you are right about the multiarch-support functions being native in bullseye. I had the following additional source added to my /etc/apt/sources.list form earlier experiments, and I'm guessing this is where the package is located:
I think that contrib and non-free are not necessary to locate the package. This should be added to the end of the sources.list in addition to the bullseye sources.
Based on elilla's comment, it might be easily playable on a virtual machine. Hopefully, it runs on buster with minimal effort in the virtual environment. Would your computer handle a virtual machine?
Edit 1: I tried it in a virtual machine and it worked fine. My installation of bullseye was new and did not have wine, after installing it the game works under bullseye without virtualization.
Edit 2: The package can be obtained directly from Debian's repository and installed with
aaaaa thank you so much, I will try this tonight! much appreciated